- Frist concerned more about leaks than secret prisons - Nov 10, 2005Every time I start to get a warm and fuzzy about Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, he opens his month and says something really stupid and ruins it all. So the man is more concerned about leaks—which are a part of Washington politics as scandals, sex with interns, and graft—but he is not concerned about the undermining of American ethics and values, not to mention a gross subversion of the law! Is it okay to use the word Nazi and Frist in the same sentence, or would that be considered poor taste?
"My concern is with leaks of information that jeopardize your safety and security -- period," Frist said, but the continued ill-treatment of Muslims and others does nothing to undermine the so-called War on Terror? We have become that which we despise; we are the bully, the aggressor, that country that spits on the façade of the Scales of Justice; that nation whose people think themselves above the law. We are no longer a nation whose government respects the rights of others, but a nation whose government looks, acts, and speaks like a third world dictatorship. We are the nation that no longer respects human rights, we are the nation other nations should and do fear, we are no longer the shinning light on the hill (as if we ever were), we are instead the hill itself, dark, hard, and unfeeling. Our Constitution is dying a slow wicked death at the hand of men without principles our moral suasion. God (if there is one) no longer blesses us…