Sunday, March 30, 2008

Can We Please Banish The word NIgger!?

The word Nigger has once again found itself prominently on display in yet another Black American theme theatrical release as if the two were somehow forever connected by some disrespectful umbilical cord. It was used so frequently in this movie that it should have gotten its own credits billing. The movie is Chris Rock’s 2007’s I Think I Love My Wife.

In my Black American household the word nigger is never used, among adults, or children. And among my siblings the word is not uttered, nor is it used regularly at family gatherings, nor do I, or my black male friends, use it to greet one another.

It’s long past time to bury to the word nigger once and for all; it is stale and disrespectful no matter whose lips it slips past. And the continued use of the word diminishes the person uttering it, but does harm to us all. Nigger harkens back to an era in American history we would all assume put behind us! Time to move on, time to move forward as a people, time to remove the shackles of self hatred that allows black Americans to still refer to one another using such a derogatory term!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Mr. Martin completly! its an absurd word... and the point of it is??? and now its to the point where other races are using it as a sign of "compainonship" *sigh* its a lame word that needs to be bansihed!!