Is it right to gloat? Is it right to sing and dance a jig over the news of another's misfortune, or in this case the misfortune of an entire political party? When it's the Republican Party I think the answer should be an unqualified YES!
I can hardly conceal my glee at the unhappy and unenviable position the conservatives find themselves in scant a year from the mid-term election cycle. The Bush Administration continues to implode as the sheer weight of its stupefying, mind boggling incompetence makes itself felt throughout the Executive Branch and to the American people. The Vice President’s Chief of Staff Mr. Libby may have, and probably did, break the law by revealing the identity of a CIA operative, and the seemingly untouchable Mr. Rove may be ripe for indictment for the same offense (yes Virginia there is a Santa Clause and he is delivering my presents early this year)! But what can we expect, we have a less then laudable personage in the White House, who arrogance, stupidity, and general lack of ability, should have disqualified him from the job, but incredibly enough did not.
To add to the Party’s woes, Tom Delay, The Hammer has finally gotten nailed not once, but twice, and the Senate Majority Leader Bill Frisk is operating under a cloud of suspicion ala Martha Steward. The Party is in mounting disarray over the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, and their deep ties to the Religious Conservatives is now more of a nasty hindrance then a help as the apples of morality fall in discourse from the tree of self-righteous unity. And now it seems that the Republican Party is finding it increasingly difficult to recruit people willing to run against Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections. Even they can see the damage Bush and his insular cronies have done to the nation and Party and want no part of it.
A recent Washington Post article started out by stating:
Republican politicians in multiple states have recently decided not to run for Senate next year, stirring anxiety among Washington operatives about the effectiveness of the party's recruiting efforts and whether this signals a broader decline in GOP congressional prospects.
Prominent Republicans have passed up races in North Dakota and West Virginia, both GOP-leaning states with potentially vulnerable Democratic incumbents. Earlier, Republican recruiters on Capitol Hill and at the White House failed to lure their first choices to run in Florida, Michigan and Vermont.
Oh how can I not gloat, how can I not sing a song of mirth and dance the jig of joy? Is this the beginning of the end of the Republican Party as we know it, a fracturing of the Party that could lead to the Democrats winning back the house and Senate and eventually the White House?
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